

Pronounced (eye-ri-dol-ogy) iridology is the study of the coloured part of the eye, called the iris, to determine the state of a person’s health.  While iridology cannot identify specific dis/eases in the body, markings in the iris can be used to reveal emerging conditions in every part of the body.  It can also identify generic (inherited) weakness and their emotional connections.

Iridology is not used as a replacement for medical diagnosis, but knowledge of inherited weaknesses can be the catalyst to seeking medical treatment, or at the very least considering lifestyle and nutrition choices to better support the body.  Iridologists feel that if a health problem is identified in its early stages, appropriate treatments and or lifestyle modifications may keep it from becoming a full-blown disease.

How It Works

The basis of iridology is a holistic concept well accepted in other fields of alternative medicine, namely that when examined correctly, each part of the body contains information about other parts of the body. In chiropractic medicine, for example, misalignments in the spine are used to diagnose and treat diseases of the internal organs. In Chinese medicine, examinations of the pulse and tongue are regularly included in the diagnostic process. Iridolgists believe that as a degenerative disease slowly develops, the iris will reflect these changes.


Conventional physicians routinely examine the eye for evidence of internal disease. Using an ophthalmoscope to look at the retina of the eye, a doctor can see how diseases, such as diabetes or high blood pressure are affecting blood vessels. Likewise, a close examination of the iris can give information about high cholesterol and certain metabolic ailments.


Iridologists contend that the iris itself is one of the most complex organs in the human body. When a photograph of the iris is enlarged, iridologists claim they can get a view of an ultra fine membrane of connective tissue that shows a sign of degenerative disease well before its presence is manifested in larger organs.


Most American-trained iridologists maintain that the iris is connected to the brain and acts as a control panel, giving readouts on conditions in various parts of the body. Because thousands of nerve endings make up the iris, they contend the eye can indeed provide a system of connections to the rest of the body.


What You Can Expect

The iridologist will examine the irises of your eyes using either a slitlamp or a penlight and magnifying glass. Some iridologists will obtain photographs of your iris with a specially designed camera, and then considerably enlarge the photos so the iris appears about the size of a dinner plate. (This can be a rather dramatic sight, allowing you to appreciate the complexity of the iris’s structure. With its numerous fibers and colors, the iris is as unique as your fingerprints.) The process is completely painless, safe, and noninvasive.


While examining your irises, both in-person, and later when reviewing the photographs, the iridologist will look for subtle signs of developing illness, such as symptoms of stress or a build-up of toxins. Depending on the practitioner’s training, and whether he accepts the concept of “mapping,” eye charts may be consulted to determine problems in corresponding internal organs.


The examination and consultation typically lasts about an hour. Unless your iridologist is a licensed physician, you will not be diagnosed with any specific disease. You will, however, be told about any risk factors and given preventive health-care measures to follow.


Many iridologists practicing in the United States and Canada are trained in other complementary medical specialties, frequently chiropractic, homeopathy, nutrition, or naturopathy.


Health Benefits

Because iridology is not a treatment therapy, but rather a way of detecting underlying signs of developing disease, iridologists will let you know about your overall health as well as any trends you may be experiencing toward illness. In this way, their goals are similar to those of all preventive medicine – to recognize health problems at their earliest stages and to suggest ways to keep disease from developing.



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